Viswabrahmana Ekopana Samithy (VBES) is a confederation of Kerala Viswa Brahmana Samooham, Tamil Viswakarma Samooham, Viswa Brahmana Society, Tamil Viswabrahma Samajams, Viswakarma Samajams etc.
Lord Viswabrahma/Viswakarma is the God of Creation of the whole world. Though recognition and respects were conferred on viswabrahmins (successors of Viswakarma) by successive ruling kings, since independence, the political parties side-lined and totally ignored us. It is the right time to join together and show our unity and strength in the state. This strength of the viswakarmas is to be used as a weapon for regaining our rightful heritage, traditions and deserving social status in the present political and social scenario.
VBES aims at bringing up a common platform for viswabrahmins to fight for its lost heritage, traditions and respectable social status. VBES will emerge as a common forum in Kerala State consolidating the maximum possible viswakarmas under its leadership in the next five years.
1. Thirumana Seva Manram : We collect bio data from the youth for marriage proposals. Data are collected from all the 5 Groups of Viswakarma Community, namely, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Coppersmith, Masons and Goldsmiths and assist them in finding their life partners.
2. Education : We conduct Career Guidance and Personality Development classes for children during Onam and Mid-Summer holidays and also impart techniques for soft skills development for the young generation.
3. Counselling : Arrange Group Counselling to parents and Youth at periodic intervals.
Always get in touch with each and every activities of VBES
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